Sundays at 9:30am and 5:30pm - 20 Allison St, Mount Gambier

Our Team

Meet our leadership team!


Gary Ware - Pastor

Gary started at MGPC in 2003. Gary is married to Margaret, has five grown-up children and four grand-children. He likes books, has an eclectic taste in movies, and is far too familiar with most areas of popular culture in a way which is mostly only useful at trivia nights. These blurbs usually include something about coffee; Gary drinks black coffee. And also Peppermint tea. Above all that, Gary loves to talk about God's love and desire to bring people into his family through Jesus!

Deacon (Pastoral Care Coordinator)

Sandy Megaw

Kids Coordinator

Lydia Chiodze


Roger Bannister - Elder

Ralios Chiodze

Alan Clarkson - Elder

Alan Fox - Elder

Graeme Hamilton - Elder

Gavin Megaw - Elder

Members Commissioned for Service in Papua New-Guinea with Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF)

Jeroen and Diana Zwijnenburg