At MGPC we believe that Jesus is real. We believe he lived a real life, died a real death on the cross and really was resurrected. We believe He is now really sitting to the right hand of God the Father in heaven.
Jesus' death on the cross (and resurrection) was the biggest game changer in history. That Jesus willingly paid the price for sinful people like us, so that we can spend eternity with Him. This is good news!
Connect - Grow - Serve
We say 3 words a lot at MGPC. They are Connect, Grow, and Serve. Below is a brief explanation of what they mean for you and us.
Our desire is for you to Connect with the real hope only found in Jesus. We would also love you to Connect with us at MGPC. Please join us for Morning tea after the service where we can let you know more connecting with Jesus, and tell you about our Connect Course.
At MGPC we value transparency. Our Connect Course is designed to let you know about our church, as well as provide a place where you can ask us any questions you may have about us, Jesus, and the Bible. We want you to make an informed decision about joining us as we journey through life together.
Once you have connected we will encourage you to join a Growth Group. Our Growth Groups usually meet once a week to hang out, study the Bible and pray for each other. Our Growth groups are a place where all people can Grow in their understanding of who Jesus is and what he has done for us. Growth Groups are for everyone no matter how much or how little you know about Jesus.
Once you have settled into a Growth Group, we will ask you to consider serving alongside us in a ministry team. We believe God has given everyone different abilities to serve Him. As we get to know you we can discuss how you can use your abilities to serve Jesus and others.
What is A Presbyterian Anyway?
Presbyterian refers to our form of church government (how we run). The word Presbyterian comes from the Greek word Presbuteros (πρεσβύτερος ). This word simply means ‘elder’. Therefore as a Presbyterian Church we have elders who have oversight of everything that happens in our Church to provide accountability and care for our people.
We are part of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, a denomination that has a heritage which is derived from Presbyterian churches in Scotland and the churches of the Reformation in Europe.
What We Believe
We believe the Bible is the written word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original manuscripts. The Bible is the revelation of God’s truth and is infallible and authoritative in all matters of faith and practice.
We believe in the Holy Trinity. There is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
We believe that all are sinners and totally unable to save themselves from God’s displeasure, except by His mercy.
We believe that salvation is by God alone as He sovereignly chooses those He will save. We believe His choice is based on His grace, not on any human individual merit, or foreseen faith.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, who through His perfect life and sacrificial death atoned for the sins of all who will trust in Him, alone, for salvation.
We believe that God is gracious and faithful to His people not simply as individuals but as families in successive generations according to His Covenant promises.
We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells God’s people and gives them the strength and wisdom to trust Christ and follow Him.
We believe that Jesus will return, bodily and visibly, to judge all mankind and to receive His people to Himself.
We believe that all aspects of our lives are to be lived to the glory of God under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
Our Vision is to simply be a growing church.
“We are a growing church…”
At MGPC we are a growing church. We want to grow in our knowledge, wisdom and understanding of our God as we seek Him by Faith. We also want to be growing in number. The reason we want to be a church that is growing in number is because every number is a person who has connected to eternal hope in Jesus. This is our aim. We are a growing church. We aim to see more people connect with Jesus and us as a church. We want those who have connected to Jesus to join a Growth Group where they will grow in their all knowledge, wisdom, understanding and faith. There they will also grow in their relationships with others in our church. Finally, as we seek to be a growing church, we will need more people like you serving Jesus in various roles across the church.
Growing in Growth Groups
An important part of being a growing church is Growth Groups. We can’t expect to grow wider numerically without growing deeper in our knowledge, wisdom, understanding and faith in Jesus. Like a tree can’t grow wider without establishing a stronger root system we need to have a stronger base in our church. This base is built in Growth Groups. Growth Groups are a place where we grow in our knowledge, wisdom, understanding and faith in Jesus. It is also the training ground for future Growth Group leaders. This training ground has the potential to grow our people for many key serving roles in our church community. Therefore, we want everyone to be a part of a Growth Group so that we grow in our knowledge, wisdom, understanding and faith in Jesus. As this happens we expect to grow towards maturity taking up various serving positions suitable to each of our gifting's. If we don’t have healthy Growth Groups, we cannot expect our church to grow in a healthy way. As Christians, we follow Jesus and the best way to get to know Jesus is to be regularly opening the bible and meeting with God’s people. We have and are setting up more Growth Groups to give people the opportunity to grow in a way that they might not have thought was possible.
How can I be a part of it?
At MGPC we believe every person has a role to play. The first place to start is to connect with Jesus and connect with us as a Church. Then we would love you to be a part of a Growth Group. From there, we can explore many different serving opportunities to find ways of serving that uses your God given abilities and talents for His glory. You are important to our church and it is vital that every member plays their part. Some of us will fill roles behind the scenes, some of us will be seen upfront. It doesn’t matter where you serve, we want you to be able to unleash your potential to see more and more people Connect with Jesus, Grow in Jesus, and Serve Jesus.

Gary Ware - Pastor
Gary started at MGPC in 2003. Gary is married to Margaret, has five grown-up children and three grand-children. He likes books, has an eclectic taste in movies, and is far too familiar with most areas of popular culture in a way which is mostly only useful at trivia nights. These blurbs usually include something about coffee; Gary drinks black coffee. Above all that, Gary loves to talk about God's love and desire to bring people into his family through Jesus!
Deacon (Pastoral Care Coordinator)

Sandy Megaw
Kids Coordinator

Lydia Chiodze

Roger Bannister - Elder

Alan Clarkson - Elder

Ralios Chiodze - Elder

Alan Fox - Elder

Graeme Hamilton - Elder